Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tea is the life blood of a number of people's days. They require it to get them up in the sunrise, get them to service, carry them through a tiresome gathering, and bring them home again. A number of people take tea all day from habit, not realizing what a bad habit it can be. Tea is not a naturally evil stuff, just the reverse in fact, but in excess tea can cause some harm to your body and strength.
Tea in the morning is a great idea, because tea was made for the morning. It will get your brain running and excite your body so that everything starts up properly and begins to work. A cup of tea with your breakfast is a safe and healthy way to begin your day, and a direct way to the energy you will require.
Tea later in the day should be taken with caution. Another cup around mealtime or any time during the morning can be great. Once that first charge wears off a second charge is often required, and another cup of tea might be the thing. A great tip is to take your tea just after lunch break, as that is maybe when you will need the greatest charger.
Two cups of tea is a safe amount for almost anybody, but as it gets later in the day, you might need to stop at that. After the third cup it can start being risky to your body and in fact doing more harm than good. 3 cups of tea is the limit you should take, as more can badly spoil your body.
A great time to take a third cup of tea is about an hour before the work you need the extra energy for starts. You only want this third cup if you plan to stay up very late. Tea can be a great help, but if you plan to stay awake all night then don't drink it too late.
If you just need a quick boost, then choose something lighter like a beverage for a lot of energy. The effects of tea often last up to 36 hours in sensitive cases, and if you don’t want to lay awake in bed all night then choose something lighter. Tea is good when you need it, but when you don't need it then don't make default to it.
Tea can be a good thing, and it actually has many health benefits. Tea will stimulate the element in your body that give you happy feelings, and that's always a nice addition to your day. Take your tea at the right times and in the right amounts and you will live longer happily and feel better for it.